1) I was waiting to cross the street the other day and standing in front of me was a woman probably in her 60's wearing a backless sun dress, so backless that you could see the top of her underwear.
2) There has been a movie filming a block away from my office all week so I walk by it a lot. I haven't seen any celebrities but what I did see that I thought was interesting was the camera car. They have been filming a lot of street chases on bikes and in cars and the car that they have mounted with all of the camera equipment is a Porsche....really!?!?
This one takes the cake!
3) The building across the street from my office has a really nice roof deck and apparently the person that owns the apartment is a photographer. The roof deck is the same level as my office on the sixth floor so out of our windows we can see whatever she's doing. One day last week she was doing a photo shoot of a naked man! It makes for quite an interesting work day when there is a naked man parading around across the street :)
Sorry I don't have pictures of anything, I never think to take pictures at the time, it's just enough for me to get a kick out of and keep on walking by :)