So I've taken a little hiatus from blogging. I didn't really mean to be absent for almost three months but somehow here we are.
John and I have been working like crazy lately. In March the person I worked directly with was let go and I ended up taking over her projects. Work for me has definitely been a lot of long hours and stress lately. John like usual is just working on too many things all at once. He has a full time job, a side project with a group of people and then his own side project. Its amazing he has time to eat and sleep!
Anyway, summer is right around the corner and there are definitely some things to look forward to like upcoming weddings and a trip back to AR. I'm going to post some of the things from months ago that I never got around to posting so that I can start fresh for summer :)
Yea! I have missed your blogging!!! Can't wait to see you soon! - Rebecca