Sunday, August 14, 2011


The first week in August John and I went to Alaska to visit family. It's taken a little while to get back in the swing of things after being gone for a week and I'm not sure where to even start writing; the trip was so fun and Alaska was absolutely beautiful!
The weather was in the 60's for the most part which was absolutely fantastic since this summer has been really hot in NYC. I know it hasn't been anything close to the heat in the South but keep in mind we don't have central air :)

Apparently the cooler summer makes for perfect weather for flowers. We walked around downtown Anchorage the first day we got into town and there were really great flower beds everywhere. 
It also happened to be national dance day and there was a dance demonstration in the downtown square but I didn't get any pictures, I was more enthralled by the flowers :)
Overlooking Anchorage is Chugach State Park which is the third largest state park in America. We only spent a little bit of time there and really just hiked up a little ways so we could see Anchorage.  
John's brother Justin and his wife Andrea came up from Arkansas too. It was so fun to get to spend time with lots of family!
My favorite things we did in Alaska were the visit to the reindeer farm and the glaciers. I have tons of pictures from both so more on those later :)

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